Computer simulation of liquid kinematics in a centrifugal pump and verification of calculation results with experimental data

The object of research is a multistage centrifugal pump for pumping water. The authors presented a method for hydrodynamic calculation of the flow kinematics in a centrifugal wheel, pressure characteristics of the pump. The calculations were carried out according to the passport data for the entire working area of the pump. In order to verify and verify the adequacy of the flow model, the results of pressure and efficiency factor were obtained experimentally on an automated hydraulic stand. The article presents a methodology for testing the pump and determining the measurement error. Calculation results are in satisfactory agreement with the passport data (within 3%). However, at low feeds, the real pressure characteristic has a «sinking» section, which is explained by manufacturing errors of the centrifugal wheel.

М.Е. Isametova, *G.S. Abilezova, Kh.A. Akhmedov