Editorial Collegium
ISSN 2227-4766
Fathi Habashi (Canada), Dr. techn. [Vienna], Dr.h.c. [St. Petersburg], Dr.h.c. [National Tech Univ, Lima], Dr.h.c. [San Marcos Univ, Lima], H-index 20
Fidelis Tawiah Suorineni, PhD, Professor of Mining Engineering, Nazarbayev University (Astana, Kazakhstan), H-index 14
Barmenshinova M.B., Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Assoc. Professor, NJSC «KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev» (Almaty, Kazakhstan), H-index 5, Scopus / ORCID / ResearcherID / РИНЦ
Bekbotaeva A.A., PhD, assoc. Professor, NJSC «KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev» (Almaty, Kazakhstan), H-index 9, Scopus / ORCID / ResearcherID / РИНЦ
Belin V.A., Doctor of Engineering. Sciences, Professor, NUST MISIS (Moscow, Russia), H-index 3
Bondarenko V.I., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Dnipro University of Technology (Dnepr, Ukraine), H-index 18
Buktukov N.S., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, IGD named after D.A. Kunaev (Almaty, Kazakhstan), H-index 1, Scopus / ORCID
Vorobiev A.E., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «GGNTU named after acad. M.D. Millionshchikov» (Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russia), H-index 1, ORCID
Galiev S.Zh., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the ROO NAS RK, IGD named after D.A. Kunaev (Almaty, Kazakhstan), H-index 5, Scopus / ORCID / ResearcherID / РИНЦ
Demin V.F., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NJSC «Kartu named after Abylkas Saginov», H-index 7, Scopus / ORCID / ResearcherID
Edilbaev A.I., Doctor of Engineering. Sciences, Mining Bureau LLP (Almaty, Kazakhstan), H-index 1
Zhanibekov B.O., Doctor of Philosophy, Geol.-Min. Sciences, Associate Professor, Tashkent State Technical University named after I. Karimov (Tashkent, Uzbekistan), H-index 1
Kaplunov D.R., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia), H-index 8, ORCID
Karimov Sh.V., PhD, acting Associate Professor of the Department, Almalyk branch of NUST MISIS (Almalyk, Uzbekistan), H-index 3, Scopus / ORCID / ResearcherID
Los V.L., Doctor of Geology and Minerals Sciences, Professor, Academy of Mineral Resources (Almaty, Kazakhstan), H-index 2
Moldabaev S.K., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NJSC «KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev» (Almaty, Kazakhstan), H-index 6
Nasirov U.F., Doctor of Engineering. Sciences, Professor, branch of the National Research Technological University «MISIS» (Almalyk, Uzbekistan), H-index 5, Scopus / ORCID / ResearcherID / РИНЦ
Nifadiev V.I., Doctor of Engineering. Sciences, Professor, Rector of KRSU (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), H-index 1
Nurpeisova M.B., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NJSC «KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev» (Almaty, Kazakhstan), H-index 15 (Scopus), 4 (Web of Science), Scopus / ORCID / ResearcherID
Olshansky E.N., corresponding member of MAIN, NPP Interrin LLP (Almaty, Kazakhstan), ORCID
Petrov E.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences Sciences, Professor, Biysk Technological Institute of Altai State Technical University Named after I.I. Polzunov (Biysk, Russia), H-index 9
Ratov B.T., Doctor of Engineering. Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of «Geophysics and Seismology», NJSC «KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev» (Almaty, Kazakhstan), H-index 5, Scopus / ORCID / ResearcherID / РИНЦ
Rysbekov K.B., Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Professor, NJSC «KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev» (Almaty, Kazakhstan), H-index 10, Scopus / ORCID / ResearcherID / РИНЦ
Stolpovskikh I.N., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NJSC «KazNRTU named after. K.I. Satpayev» (Almaty, Kazakhstan), H-index 5, ORCID
Tambiev P.G., Ph.D. tech. Sciences, NPP Interrin LLP (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Turobov Sh.N., PhD, Associate Professor, Navoi State Mining University (Navoi, Uzbekistan), H-index 9 (in Google Scholar)
Khaitov O.G., Doctor of Geol.-Mineral. Sciences, Professor, Academician of MAIN, Tashkent State Technical University named after. I. Karimova (Tashkent, Uzbekistan), H-index 8, Scopus / ORCID
Khamidov R.A., PhD, Associate Professor, Navoi State Mining University (Navoi, Uzbekistan), H-index 3 (in Google Scholar)
Shodiev A.N., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department, Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics (Karshi, Uzbekistan), H-index 6 (in Google Scholar), Scopus / ORCID / ResearcherID / РИНЦ
Chepushtanova T.A., PhD, head. Department, NJSC «KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev» (Almaty, Kazakhstan), H-index 2