About magazine
ISSN 2227-4766. Subscription index 75807
The Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, the founder of which is the Scientific-Production Enterprise «Interrin» LLP, has been published since January 2003, and has already won the sympathy of specialists. Currently, the Journal has a large number of subscribers in the Kazakhstan industrial zones, including educational institutions. The Journal is also distributed in Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. The Mining Journal of Kazakhstan has become the top-rated edition and highly-demanded by the country engineering community; is distributed by subscription and is received by the majority of mining-metallurgical enterprises, which enables them to keep track of latest releases used at related enterprises.
The publication supports the open access type Libre Open Acces (the content of the publication is freely and freely available to the user or his/her institution). The Journal circulation is 1,500 copies, publication frequency is 12 issues per year, and type page number is from 64 to 80 pages. The building is published in Russian with publication of materials in Russian, Kazakh and English. The leading experts in blasting operations and mining business in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Kyrgyzstan were included in the management of the magazine and the editorial board. Journal articles are registered in the Crossref database, each article is assigned a DOI – a digital object identifier used to access electronic documents for the purpose of citation. The journal is indexed by the Kazakhstan Citation Base (KazBC) of JSC National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise (NCGSTE). Electronic copies of the publication are sent to the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The articles published on the Journal pages, including those sent for publication from abroad and devoted to the innovative mining development, were highly appreciated and contributed to the broaden knowledge and expansion of the information field of raw materials industry employees. The authors of Journal articles are competent specialists, and we are sure that their views on topical issues will be useful for even more successful work of your enterprise. Our Journal can provide you with useful information about scientific and technical achievements and, most importantly, about their practical application in mining business.
The goals of the «Mining Journal of Kazakhstan» are: dissemination of knowledge in the field of mining, geology and metallurgy, publication of new technical developments and research for a wide audience; promoting progress in the fields of mining, geology and metallurgy through the exchange of information; information support and provision for scientists, engineers, researchers, university and college students with relevant and reliable information; educational mission is to increase the level of scientific literacy and professional competence among scientists and production specialists.
The objectives of the journal are: publication of research results, providing platforms for the publication of original scientific articles, reviews, technical solutions, production experience in the field of mechanization technology and industrial safety in the field of mining, geology and metallurgy; maintaining a high level of publications through peer review by highly qualified reviewers; formation of the scientific community by promoting cooperation between scientists and specialists from different countries; popularization of science by presenting scientific developments and industrial experience in an accessible form for a wide audience; promoting the introduction of new technologies, developments and equipment into the practice of mining, geology and metallurgy; strengthening connections between scientists from different countries through the publication of international research.
The founder of the publication is LLP «Scientific and Production Enterprise «Interrin» – a large enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of blasting.
Legal and actual address:
Karasai batyr st., 146, 050026,
Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
tel.: +7 (727) 339-91-69
E-mail: interrin@yandex.ru
Journal Sections
Mining Operations Automation and Robotization. Well Drilling. Explosives. Geodesy. Geoinformatics. Geomechanics. Geotechnology. Geophysics. Geoecology. Geoeconomics. Hydrogeology. Mining Law. Mining machines. Foreign Experience. Enterprise History. Product Quality. Excavation Support. Mine Surveying. Metallurgy. Mineral Resources. Lawyer’s Opinion. New Mining Editions. New Mining developments. Minerals Beneficiation. Open-Pit Mining. Mine Health and Safety. Memorable Dates. Minerals Processing. Staff Training. Mining Enterprise Design. Building Materials Manufacture. Mining and Industrial Complex Development. Rock Destruction. Mining Geology. Mine Transport. History Pages. Mine and Underground Construction. Mining Operation Economics. Anniversaries.
Chief Editor: M.Zh. Bitimbayev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor at Satbayev University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, Academician of the International Academy of Engineering and the Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Academy of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Specialist in the field of geotechnology, mine construction, geology, safety in the mining industry, environmental economics. Author of more than 300 scientific works, including 19 monographs, 4 textbooks for universities, 83 copyright certificates for inventions of the USSR, 39 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2 scientific discoveries of the International Academy of Scientific Discoveries and Inventions. Member of the National Scientific Council for the priority «Geology, extraction and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, new materials, technologies, safe products and structures», chief researcher of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan LLP. H-index 7.
Deputy Chief Editor: L.A. Krupnik, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Research Professor at Satbayev University, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Higher School of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh National Research University named after K.I. Satbayev, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. Specialist in the field of geotechnology, physical processes of mining, mechanization of mining operations. Author of more than 400 scientific publications, including 5 monographs, 3 textbooks for universities, more than 40 copyright certificates for inventions and patents of the USSR and the Republic of Kazakhstan, a mining and geological reference book. Hirsch index (Scopus) 7.
Deputy Chief Editor: Kh.A. Yusupov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Department of Mining, Satbayev University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. Specialist in the field of geotechnology, drilling and blasting, underground borehole leaching, mining economics. Author of more than 140 scientific publications, including 6 monographs, an English-Russian-Kazakh mining and geological dictionary, a mining and geological reference book. He led the project team for the development of development projects for a number of deposits in Kazakhstan. Member of the Board of Directors of the Kazakhstan Electrolysis Plant enterprise. Member of the Scientific and Technical Council of NAC Kazatomprom and NJSC KazNITU named after K.I. Satbayev. H-index 8, Scopus / ORCID / ResearcherID / РИНЦ
Executive Editor: T.S. Dolina
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1. Subscription to the Journal.
2. Publication of scientific and industrial articles.
3. Publication of advertising and information materials.
Certificate of registration of a periodical printed publication No. 13508-Ж dated 04.04.2013