Editorial Collegium


Surname, name, report, position Place of work Hirsch index
Fathi Habashi (Canada) Dr.h.c. National Tech University, Lima 20
Fidelis Tawiah Suorineni, PhD, Professor of Mining Engineering Nazarbayev University 14
M.B. Barmenshinova, head of department Satpayev University 5
A. Bekbotayeva, PhD, Professor Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev 5
V.A. Belin (Russia), Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, head of department National Research Technological University «Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys» 3
V.I. Bondarenko (Ukraine) Dnipro University of Technology 18
N.S. Buktukov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, director Institute of Mining named after D.A. Kunaev 1
A.E. Vorobyov (Russia), Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher Grozny State Oil Technical University, RF 1
S.Zh. Galiyev, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor Institute of Mining named after D.A. Kunaev 4
A.I. Yedilbayev, Doctor of Engineering Sciences LLP «Mining Bureau» 1
B.O. Zhanibekov, head department, associate professor Tashkent State Technical University named after I. Karimova 1
Sh. Karimov, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department Almalyk branch of NUST MISiS 2
D.R. Kaplunov (Russia), Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, department head Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences 8
V.L. Los, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor Academy of Mineral Resources 2
D.G. Masyagin, PresidentALE «Association of Explosive Engineers of Kazakhstan»
S.K. Moldabayev, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, head of department Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev 6
U.F. Nasirov, Deputy Director for Research and Innovation Branch of the National Research Technological University «MISiS» 5
V.I. Nifadiev (Kyrgyzstan), Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor,
Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University 1
M.B. Nurpeisova, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev 6
Ye.N. Olshansky, Corresponding Member of the International Informatization Academy Limited Liability Partnership «Research and Production Enterprise «Interrin»
Ye.A. Petrov (Russia), Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor Biysk Technological Institute of Altai State Technical University Named after I. I. Polzunov 9
B.T. Ratov, head of department Satpayev University,
Caspian University
K.B. Rysbekov, director Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov Satpayev University 10
I.N. Stolpovskikh, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev 5
P.G. Tambiyev, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, General director Limited Liability Partnership «Research and Production Enterprise «Interrin»
Sh.N. Turobov (Uzbekistan), PhD, Associate Professor of the Department Navoi State Mining University 9 (at Google Scholar)
P.A. Tsekhovoy Limited Liability Partnership «ANTAL»
O.G. Khayitov (Uzbekistan), Doctor of Geological and Mineral Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences Turon, head Department of «Mining», Professor Tashkent State Technical University named after I. Karimova 1
R.A. Khamidov (Uzbekistan), PhD, Associate Professor of the Department Navoi State Mining University 3 (at Google Scholar)
T.A. Chepushtanova, PhD,
head of department
Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev 2
Abbos Nemat-ogly Chodiev, head of department Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute 6 (at Google Scholar)