Editorial policy


Editorial Policy of the Periodic Printed Publication «Mining Journal of Kazakhstan»

Basic principles of the Journal’s Editorial Policy

The editorial board, reviewers and authors of the journal aspire to comply with high standards of scientific and publication ethics: transparency of interaction between the Journal Editorial Staff and the Journal authors, mandatory review of all articles submitted to the Journal by the independent experts or the Editorial Board Members, free access to publications.

In its work, the Journal Editorial Board is guided by the principles developed by the International Committee on Publication Ethics, Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers, and also takes into account the experience of reputable international journals and publishing companies.

The journal is published in accordance with the following basic principles, goals and objectives of the Editorial Policy:

1. Ethical Policy of the Editorial Office. The Journal Editorial Board is guided in its activity by the principles of professionalism, objectivity, scientific character and impartiality. The authors, Editorial Board Members, Chief Editor of the Journal incur the respective ethical obligations related to the scientific publication preparation and the dissemination of scientific research results and production practice. The interaction of the Editorial Staff with the authors is based on the principles of transparency, honesty, politeness, fairness and objectivity.

2. Review institution availability. The total Journal content, except for advertising and editorial publications, clearly marked as such, undergoes mandatory double-blind peer review by the Editorial Board Members or the independent experts.

3. Information transparency. The Journal’s website publishes in open access the information on the editorial staff, chief editor, editorial board, journal description, editorial policy, article submission form, procedure for reviewing and publishing scientific articles, full-text versions of all scientific and review articles published in the Journal, and other information in accordance with the Kazakhstani and international standards of publication information transparency.

4. Ethical authorship criteria. The publication authors should be people, who have been significantly involved in publication creation. All authors must execute consent to publication (form is posted on website). The copyright shall be respected in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5. Ethics violation prevention. The Editorial Board, other reviewers and parties of the publication process aspire to prevent improper conduct, prevent and correct any violations of the Journal ethical principles, including conflicts of interests of publication process parties, exceeding the permissible borrowing level, incorrect citation, plagiarism, material re-publication, etc.

The editorial preparation of article for publication is mandatory and consists in the literary and technical editing, control over compliance with the accepted preparation standards and the rules for article publication in the journal. The Editorial Staff may not agree literary or technical corrections of articles with the authors. The Editorial Staff shall not enter into discussions with article authors.

Goals and objectives of the Editorial Policy of the Periodic Printed Publication «Mining Journal of Kazakhstan»

  • development of research – production peer-reviewed publication meeting the high international requirements;
  • assistance in creating favorable conditions for the development of science and practice of mining practice, metallurgy, geology and environmental protection;
  • contributing to increase in the level of scientific research works and production efficiency by ensuring the prompt publication of scientific research results and advanced production experience and by providing all concerned parties with open access to all published materials;
  • assisting in the international scientific community consolidation;
  • sharing experiences in training personnel in the field of mining practice, metallurgy, geology and environmental protection;
  • publication quality improving;
  • promotion of major achievements in the field of mining practice, metallurgy, geology and environmental protection in the global scientific space;
  • increasing the author’s publication activity in the state and English languages;
  • attraction of authors from foreign countries to publication in the journal;
  • extending the scope of journal distribution in foreign countries.

Article Archiving Policy of the Periodic Printed Publication «Mining Journal of Kazakhstan»

All copyrighted materials published in the Journal are posted on the Journal’s own website, and are also included in the Unified Electronic Library http://www.elibrary.kz.

Unfair Practice Policy and article retraction

The editorial board considers unfair practices primarily as plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) in any form, including re-publication. If such fact is revealed, the article will be rejected at any stage of publication process. If these circumstances are clarified after article publication, the Editorial Staff shall notify the author. The article can be corrected by the author and be placed in the publication with the respective note. In case of impossibility or author’s refusal to correct the article, the published material that violates the ethical publication principles shall be retracted.

All submitted manuscripts shall undergo preliminary verification in the AntiPlagiarism.net system. Only articles, the borrowing level of which doesn’t exceed the maximum allowable level- no more than 30%, shall be allowed for peer review.

Copyright Policy

The Journal is an open access edition. All materials of issues are published, which enables to replicate and distribute the author’s material with the copyright holder consent for wide readership in free access. Copyright is reserved by the author (collective of authors).

Policy for Conflict of Interests

When submitting the article for consideration, the authors undertake to inform the Editorial Staff about any possible conflicts of interest and about the source of research funding, if any.

The Editorial Staff editorial board, for its part, undertakes to ensure no conflict of interest by providing the objective (double-blind) review procedure and by preventing the article review by any reviewers, who have the same affiliation with the authors.